​​​Comprehensive Plans

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Description of Columns and Disclaimer​ • Local Government Planning

* Only the Municipalities with planning authority are shown.

Select a County:

collapse Allegany County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Allegany Master Plan CMP-2014  WRE-2010​

Cumberland CMP-2013
Frostburg CMP-2011
Lonaconing CMP-2010​

​​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Allegany County, please visit the Allegany County Planning and Zoning Department’s Plans, Studies and Public Notices webpage, or contact local planning staff via the departments Staff Directory​ page found on their website.

Allegany County Dashboard

collapse Anne Arundel County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Anne Arundel Master Plan CMP-2021​​
Annapolis CMP-2024​​​
Highland Beach CMP-2020


​​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Anne Arundel County, please visit the Anne Arundel County Planning and Zoning webpage and select Community Planning or Countywide Planning. You may also contact local planning staff via the Planning and Zoning Customer Support​ page found on their website.

Anne Arundel County Dashboard

collapse Baltimore City

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Baltimore City Master Plan CMP-2024​​

​​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Baltimore City, please visit the Baltimore City Department of Planning’s Plans – Approved, Accepted and in Progress webpage, or contact local planning staff via the department’s About Us: Divisions & Staff page​ found on their website.

Baltimore City Dashboard

collapse Baltimore County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Baltimore County Master Plan CMP-2010​

For a list of the most current adopted plans for Baltimore County, please visit the Baltimore County Department of Planning’s Most Popular Services webpage, or contact local planning staff via the department’s Community Planner Lookup app found on their website. ​​

Baltimore County Dashboard

collapse Calvert County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Calvert Master Plan CMP-2022
Chesapeake Beach​​ CMP-2021
North Beach CMP-2012

For a list of the most current adopted plans for Calvert County, please visit the Calvert County Department of Planning and Zoning’s webpage, or contact local planning staff via the department’s Staff Directory found on their website. 

Calvert County Dashboard

collapse Caroline County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Caroline​ Master Plan CMP-2010
Denton CMP-2023
Federalsburg CMP-2009
Goldsboro CMP-2009
Greensboro CMP-2010
Henderson CMP-2009
Hillsboro CMP-2009
Marydel CMP-2009
Preston CMP-2005 MGE-2012 WRE-2012
Ridgely CMP-2009
Templeville CMP-2009

​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Caroline County, please visit the Caroline County Department of Planning and Code’s webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s Staff Directory​ found on their website.  


Caroline County Dashboard

collapse Carroll County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Carroll​ Master Plan WRE-2010
Regional Plans:
​Freedom Plan (County)
​Finksburg Corridor Plan
Hampstead CMP-2023​
Manchester CMP-2018
Mount Airy CMP-2013​
New Windsor CMP-2010
Sykesville CMP-2021
Taneytown CMP-2010
Union Bridge CMP-2008​​
Westminster CMP-2009

For a list of the most current adopted plans for Carroll County, please ​visit the Carroll County Department of Planning and Land Management’s Bureau of Comprehensive Planning webpage, or contact local planning staff via the bureau’s Planning Staff directory found on their website. 

Carroll County Dashboard

collapse Cecil County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Cecil Master Plan CMP-2010
Cecilton CMP-2010
Charlestown CMP-2008
Chesapeake City CMP-2024
Elkton CMP-2010
North East CMP-2012
Perryville CMP-2010
Port Deposit CMP-2023​​
Rising Sun CMP-2011​

For a list of th​e most current adopted plans for Cecil County, please visit the Cecil County Department of Land Use Planning and Zoning Division’s webpage or contact local planning staff via the bureau’s Staff Contact list found on their website. 

Cecil County Dashboard

collapse Charles County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Charles Master Plan


Indian Head CMP-2020
La Plata CMP-2020
Port Tobacco Does not exercise planning and zoning authority
​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Charles County, please visit the Charles County Planning and Growth Management Department’s webpage or contact local planning staff via the Web Contact Form​ found on the county’s website.

Charles County Dashboard

collapse Dorchester County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Dorchester​​ Master Plan CMP-2021​​
Brookview​ Does not exercise planning and zoning authority
Cambridge CMP-2011
Church Creek CMP-2005
East New Market CMP-2010 AMD-2012
Eldorado Does not exercise planning and zoning authority
Galestown Does not exercise planning and zoning authority
Hurlock CMP-2009
Secretary CMP-2010
Vienna CMP-2003 MGE_WRE-2009
​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Dorchester County, please visit the Dorchester County Planning and Zoning Department’s webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s staff directory​ found on the county’s website.  
Dorchester County Dashboard

collapse Frederick County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Frederick Master Plan

Sugarloaf Treasured Landscape Management Plan
CMP-2019  WRE-2025

Brunswick CMP-2023
Burkittsville CMP-2015
Emmitsburg CMP-2015
Frederick City
Myersville CMP-2023
Rosemont Does not exercise planning and zoning authority
Middletown CMP-2023​ AMD-2024
New Market CMP-2016​
Thurmont CMP-2021
Walkersville CMP-2011​​
Woodsboro CMP-2008
​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Frederick County, please visit the Frederick County Planning and Department of Planning and Development’s webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s contact list​ found on the county’s website.  
Frederick County Dashboard

collapse Garrett County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Garrett Master Plan CMP-2022
The Comprehensive Plan for the Towns of: Accident, Deer Park, Friendsville, Kitzmiller, and Mountain Lake Park CMP-2009 Volume 1​
Accident CMP-2009​
Friendsville CMP-2024
Loch Lynn Heights
Mountain Lake Park CMP-2010
Oakland CMP-2002
​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Garrett County, please visit the Garrett County Planning and Land Management Division’s webpage contact local planning staff via the department’s staff directory​, also found on the county’s website.  
Garrett County Dashboard

collapse Harford County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Harford Master Plan CMP-2017
Aberdeen  CMP-2022
Bel Air  CMP-2022
Havre de Grace CMP-2010
​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Harford County, please visit the Harford County Planning and Zoning Department’s webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s staff directory,​ also found on the county’s website.  
Harford County Dashboard

collapse Howard County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Howard Master Plan CMP-2023​​​
​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Howard County, please visit the Howard County Department of Planning and Zoning’s Community Planning webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s Public Service Counter webpage ​found on the county’s website.  
Howard County Dashboard

collapse Kent County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Kent Master Plan CMP-2018
Kennedyville 2007
Betterton  CMP-2009
Chestertown CMP-2015
Galena  CMP-2022
Millington  CMP-2023
Rock Hall  CMP-2011
​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Kent County, please visit the Kent County Department of Planning and Zoning’s Plans, Ordinances and Applications webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s Staff Directory​ found on the county’s website.  
Kent County Dashboard

collapse Montgomery County

Jurisdiction                                                             Current Plan / Adoption Date:
Montgomery General Plan "Thrive Montgomery 2050" CMP-2022






Laytonsville CMP-2014
Poolesvile CMP-2024


Rockville Pedestrian Master Plan

Washington Grove


For a list of the most current adopted plans for Montgomery County, please visit the Montgomery County Planning Department’s Master Planning webpage, or contact local planning staff via the Information Counter found on their website.

Montgomery County Dashboard

collapse Prince George's County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Prince George's County​​ Master Plan

Laurel CMP-2016


​​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Prince George’s County, please visit the Prince George’s County Planning Department’s Active Community & Development Plans webpage, or contact local planning staff via the Planning Information Services​ page found on their website. 

Prince George's County Dashboard

collapse Queen Anne's County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Queen Anne's Master Plan CMP-2022
Kent Narrows
Barclay CMP-2006
Centreville CMP-2023​​
Church Hill  CMP-2010
Millington​ CMP-2023
Queen Anne CMP-2002
Queenstown  CMP-2017
Sudlersville CMP-2014
Templeville CMP-2009
Queen Anne's County Dashboard

collapse Somerset County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Somerset Master Plan WRE-2010 CMP-1996
Crisfield CMP-2010
Princess Anne CMP-2009
​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Somerset County, please visit the Somerset County Office of Planning, Policy and Economic Development’s webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s email address​ found on the county’s website.  
Somerset County Dashboard

collapse St. Mary's County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
St. Mary's Master Plan
St. Mary's Land Use Amdenment
Lexington Park Master Plan

Leonardtown CMP-2010

​For a list of the most current adopted plans for St. Mary’s County, please visit the St. Mary’s County Department of Land Use and Growth Management’s Comprehensive Planning webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s staff directory​ found on the county’s website.  
St. Mary's County Dashboard

collapse Talbot County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Talbot Master Plan CMP-2016​ WRE-2010 PPA-2010
Easton CMP-2010
Oxford CMP-2010
St. Michaels​
Trappe CMP-2020​
​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Talbot County, please visit the Talbot County Department of Planning and Zoning’s webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s About Us​ section found on the county’s website.  

Talbot County Dashboard

collapse Washington County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Washington Master Plan CMP-2002WRE-2011
Boonsboro CMP-2009
Clear Spring CMP-1995
Funkstown CMP-2005

Hancock CMP-2010
Sharpsburg CMP-2016
Smithsburg CMP-2012
Williamsport CMP-2010
​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Washington County, please visit the Washington County Department of Planning and Zoning’s webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s staff directory​ found on the county’s website.  
Washington County Dashboard

collapse Wicomico County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Wicomico Master Plan CMP-2017 
Delmar CMP-2009​  MGE-2018​
Fruitland CMP-2009
Hebron CMP-2010
Mardela Springs CMP-2011
Pittsville CMP-2019​
Salisbury CMP-2010
Sharptown CMP-2008
Willards CMP-2020

​For a list of the most current adopted plans for Wicomico County, please visit the Wicomico County Department of Planning, Zoning and Community Development’s webpage or contact local planning staff via the department’s email address​ found on the county’s website.  
Wicomico County Dashboard

collapse Worcester County

Current Plan / Adoption Date
Worcester Master Plan CMP-2006 WRE-2011 AMD-2024​
Berlin CMP-2010
Ocean City CMP-2017 MGE-2009 WRE-2009
Pocomoke City CMP-2014
Snow Hill
Worcester County Dashboard

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