Governor Moore signed executive order 01.01.2024.39, “Strengthening Maryland's Business Climate to Bolster Economic Competitiveness”, on December 19, 2024, noting that “state government plays a vital role in cultivating an environment that is conducive to the successful attraction, retention, and growth of businesses and workforce within the State.”
To help achieve this goal, the executive order (see Section D) establishes the Maryland Coordinated Permitting Review Council (Permitting Council) to “facilitate interagency coordination and efficient processing of approvals required to advance priority infrastructure and place-based projects within the State to bolster transparency, ensure predictability, and foster interagency coordination to grow Maryland's economy while safeguarding the health and safety of residents.”
The Permitting Council will complete a Pilot Initiative to identify and advance a set of priority infrastructure and place-based pilot projects in Maryland. By developing a new online permitting application and coordinated project plans, the Permitting Council will expedite permitting and identify improvements that will set the stage for further advancements in Maryland for processing permits for high-priority projects in Maryland.
The Permitting Council webpage provides stakeholders and the public with access to agendas, recordings, and meeting materials of the Council, along with the Council’s progress reports to Governor Moore.