Value Our Shared Heritage
Shape Places Where All Have the Opportunity to Thrive
Inform Decisions for Sustainable Growth
The Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) serves its constituent base with professional staff organized in four divisions: Planning Services, the State Clearinghouse for Intergovernmental Assistance, Operations and the Maryland Historical Trust.

Our Organization
Through Planning Services, the Maryland Department of Planning completes more than 200 technical assistance projects for counties and municipalities in a typical year. Planning services provides support in reviewing or drafting more than 60 comprehensive plans and/or ordinances for local governments each year. It also collects, analyzes and publishes social, economic and geographic information and maintains the digital maps of the state’s 2.3 million parcels.
The State Clearinghouse for Intergovernmental Assistance ensures that financial and non-financial assistance projects operating within Maryland are consistent with state and local laws, regulations and guidelines. The clearinghouse annually circulates nearly 1,000 projects worth more than $1.4 billion to state, regional and local agencies and reports on their consistency with state and local policy.
Operations is responsible for the administrative support for the department such as financial, information technology, procurement and logistics. The communications section coordinates outreach to promote the department’s initiatives and services in order to develop and strengthen relationships as well as support the administration’s legislative and policy initiatives. The unit also focuses on educational opportunities as part of our outreach and administers grants.
The Maryland Historical Trust (the Trust) is dedicated to preserving and interpreting the legacy of Maryland's past. The Trust serves as Maryland's State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and provides direct assistance to a broad base of local, state and federal stakeholders in the identification, protection and enhancement of heritage resources. The Trust administers a variety of historic preservation grant, loan, and tax credit programs including the Sustainable Communities Tax Credit which leverages private investment in the rehabilitation of both commercial and residential historic properties. The Trust also administers and oversees operations of the Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum in Calvert County, which includes the Maryland Archeological Conservation Laboratory.