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Interactive Maps

​If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a map tells even more. Maps are a universal way to communicate. People have used maps for as long as they've wondered, 'What's over there?' A map is a scaled-down drawing of the real world that shows a lot of information about places.

MDP has been using geographic information systems (GIS) to answer questions and create scenarios for more than 40 years. A GIS is just a map. When you use an online map for directions, you're using a GIS. MDP is happy to share some of our most valuable data with the public as interactive GIS maps.​

Updated Statewide Land Use Map​ Map Viewer​​

M​​DP announces an update to the statewide land use map.  This revision contains baseline data reflecting 2018 land use conditions for consistency with Chesapeake Bay Program’s (CBP) 2017/18 Land Use Land Cover data (CBP LULC 2022 edition)​. 

Please visit our Statewide Land Use ArcGIS StoryMap and web viewer for more information!​

​Additional online mapping applications for the State are also available at the MDiMAP portal.​
Full Listing​​​​

thumbnail of Maryland Protected Lands Dashboard
Intergovernment Monitor Proposed Project Locator Map
Maryland Election District Maps: Congressional, Legislative, PrecinctsEconomic Characteristics for Maryland from the American Community SurveyMD Census and ACS Viewer
thumbnail MDP Parcel Viewer
thumbnail of Tax Mapthumbnail of Finder Online Map​​Priority Funding Areas
thumbnail of Local and State Targeted Growth and Conservation Areas Details
thumbnail of Sea Level Rise MapCompare Multi-year Imagerythumbnail of Maryland Imagery map
thumbnail of Population Growth mapPreserve Maryland Application Buttonthumbnail of TOD Map
Septic systemthumbnail of Scenic Byways Map
Snapshot Maryland Transportation Planning Dashboard
