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If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a map tells even more. Maps are a universal way to communicate. People have used maps for as long as they've wondered, 'What's over there?' A map is a scaled-down drawing of the real world that shows a lot of information about places.
MDP has been using geographic information systems (GIS) to answer questions and create scenarios for more than 40 years. A GIS is just a map. When you use an online map for directions, you're using a GIS. MDP is happy to share some of our most valuable data with the public as interactive GIS maps.
MDP announces an update to the statewide land use map. This revision contains baseline data reflecting 2018 land use conditions for consistency with Chesapeake Bay Program’s (CBP) 2017/18 Land Use Land Cover data (CBP LULC 2022 edition).
Please visit our Statewide Land Use ArcGIS StoryMap and web viewer for more information!
Additional online mapping applications for the State are also available at the MDiMAP portal.Full Listing
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