Maryland Planning Commissioners Association
36th MPCA Annual Conference-November 2019
November 6-7, 2019
The Holiday Inn Express
Aberdeen, Maryland
The conference theme was Meeting the Trends,
Embracing the Future
The Maryland Planning Commissioners Association would like to thank everyone who contributed to and attended its 36th annual conference in Aberdeen on November 6 and 7. City and county staff and officials warmly welcomed citizen and professional planners from around the state and highlighted the great strides being made in planning and community development in their communities. If you have any questions about the MPCA, or want to get involved, please contact Joe Griffiths at
The Presentations
Click on the icons below to open the presentation from the conference.
Planning Commissioners Education Course
Aberdeen Planning Overview
Phyllis Grover, Director of Planning and Community Development,
City of Aberdeen
Open Meetings Act
Frank Johnson, Deputy City Attorney, City of Gaithersburg

Housing Future Trends
Ivy Dench-Carter, Pennrose Developers; Lisa Govoni, Montgomery County; Gregory Hare, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development; Kathleen Maher, City of Hagerstown; Miguel Salinas, Talbot County;
Ed Steere, Valbridge Property Advisors;
Sarah Lipkin Sularz, Maryland Department of Planning

Working with the Public for Positive Results
Kristin O’Connor, Howard County; Shane Grimm, City of Havre Grace;
Stephanie Smith, City of Baltimore

Planning Ethics and Ex Parte Communications
Robert McCord, Secretary, Maryland Department of Planning
Leveraging Layered Incentives for Community Development
Avram Fechter, Equity Plus; Andy Fish, Maryland Department of Commerce; Laurel Passera, Coalition for Community Access
The Secrets of Successful Communities
Bill Butts., MPCA Vice President
Nuts and Bolts and Nuance of Being a Planning Commissioner
Roxanne Hemphill, MPCA Secretary

MPCA Organizational Update, 2019