Save the Date! MPCA and APA MD to Host First Collaborative Conference in Ellicott City and
Columbia, October 20 – 22, 2024

Tackling the challenging, but promising, 21st century issues requires collaboration between engaged citizen planning boards and local planning departments. It takes an "all hands on board" approach to fuel sustainable development, creating vibrant places while protecting Maryland's natural resources and supporting a healthy economy.
To further this venture, the Maryland Planning Commissioners Association (MPCA) and the Maryland Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA MD) will hold their first combined annual conference in 2024 at Turf Valley Resort in Ellicott City.
Sponsorship Opportunities Available!
The theme of the joint MPCA and APA MD conference are hosting a joint conference is Two Tracks, One Destination, Citizen and Professional Planners Working Together to Shape Sustainable Development Across Maryland.
The MPCA and APA MD are seeking conference sponsorships. You can learn more on the conference webpage by accessing the Conference Sponsorship Package and Sponsorship Form.
Sponsors will have ample opportunities to engage with planners from throughout Maryland and the Mid-Atlantic region, including access to conference offerings dependent on sponsorship amount. Sponsors will also be included in conference communications and materials. Even modest amounts go a very long way in helping the two small, volunteer-based organizations expand their educational and assistance offerings to Maryland’s planners year-round. Learn more about sponsorship opportunities in the links above.
The MPCA and APA MD are looking forward to joining everyone at the Turf Valley Resort and sharing best practices, networking, and enthusiasm for the next generation of planning in Maryland!
Please submit any questions about sponsorships to contact@apamaryland.org.

2024 APA Maryland/MPCA Planning Awards
Do you know a professional planner, citizen planner, engaged citizen, entire staff team, or planning board (planning commission, board of zoning appeals, historic district commission) that deserves recognition for their work in 2023 or 2024? Maryland planners, both professional and citizen, devote endless hours to their communities. APA MD, and the MPCA want to make sure we don’t overlook this dedication, and you can help. The 2024 APA Maryland/MPCA Planning Awards Ceremony will take place the evening of Monday, October 21 during the 2024 Joint Conference.
Download Nomination Form
There is no fee required to submit a nomination. The nomination form includes more information about submission requirements, awards categories, and criteria by which the Awards Committee will review submissions and determine awardees. We look forward to learning about the great planning work happening around the state and seeing everyone at the 2024 Joint Conference! If you have any questions concerning eligibility or submission requirements, contact Joe Griffiths, Awards Committee Chair, at joseph.griffiths@maryland.gov and he will work with the Awards Committee to best respond to your inquiry.
The following timeline shows the deadlines for submittals, committee review, and notification to applicants.
- August 30th – Nominations deadline
- August 30th through September 6th – Committee review of nominations
- September 6th – Notify applicants
- October 21st – Awards ceremony
Please consider the important contributions of your colleagues and citizen planners this year and submit recognition nominations to contact@apamaryland.org no later than 4:30 PM on Friday, August 30. Please submit the form, including all submission components, as found on the nomination form.
MPCA Governance
MPCA is governed by a board made up of representatives from each county in Maryland and led by elected officers. The board meets quarterly in January, April, July, and October, the latter meeting during the fall conference. Officers are nominated at the quarterly meeting prior to the annual fall conference when the group holds an election.
All board/commission members are automatically MPCA members. Jurisdictional board members are appointed from this membership.
MPCA welcomes new board members from throughout the state. There several openings for county representatives on the board. To become a county representative on the board, contact one of the officers listed below. Anyone serving as county or municipal commissioners or board members is eligible to represent their county. Please check the member listing to find your name. If it is missing or needs correction, please submit the online form.
In addition to board membership, MPCA offers many opportunities to serve Maryland citizen planners, such as annual conference planning, education and nomination committees. Contact any officer or board member to find out how you can participate.
MPCA changed its name in 2007 from the Maryland Citizen Planners Association (MCPA) to better identify its mission of improving knowledge among its members.
Members of the MPCA Board
MPCA Officers
- Danny Winborne, President (City of Gaithersburg, Montgomery County), Email
- Bill Butts, Vice President (Town of Mount Airy, Frederick County), Email
- Roxanne Hemphill, Secretary, (Town of Mount Airy, Frederick County), Email
- Jeff Reiss, Treasurer (Queen Anne's County), Email
Click here to see the full list of MPCA officers, members and staff >>
Click here to see the list of MPCA past presidents >>