Maryland local communities are supported in their planning efforts with the help of more than 1,400 planning commissioners and board of appeals members. Most of these “citizen planners” serve as volunteers and accept the civic responsibility of helping residents and business and property owners articulate and achieve a vision for how they want their community to look and function now and in the future.
As members of planning commissions (or planning boards), these citizen planners oversee the local comprehensive plan, recommend land use ordinances and regulations, create and apply implementation tools and implement the state’s 12 planning visions in their jurisdictions.
As members of boards of zoning appeals (or board of appeals, zoning appeals board), they hear and decide on appeals of decisions made about the enforcement of land use ordinances, hear and decide on special exceptions to those ordinances and authorize variances.
The following is MDP’s listing of the members of Maryland county and municipal citizen planning boards, planning commissioners and board of zoning appeals members.
NOTE to commissions and boards: Boards and commissions change membership continuously and, as such, this list may contain outdated entries. Please assist us in updating our records by completing our information update form and follow the instructions in the document.
Planning Commissioners and Board of Zoning Appeal Members