Municipal Level Data
The U.S. Census Bureau provides Zip Code Business Patterns (ZBP) and Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) data. The ZBP identifies the total number of wage & salary private-sector employees for the week of March 12th for a given year. In addition, the ZBP provides the number of establishments by employee size category by NAICs sector. The ZBP data set is limited because it does not include any government employment, and because it is only for one point in time in a given year as opposed to an annual average for a year. Because of these limitations, ZBP data cannot be used in comparison with QCEW or BEA data.
The LEHD OnTheMap application provides sub-county economic data. It allows for the designation of a municipality and generates the number of jobs and workers by NAICs sector in a municipality as well as the characteristics of those workers. Data from this application is available for years 2002 to 2011, but caution should be used if trying to evaluate job changes over this time period becasue the data has increased in accuracy over time. Additionally, federal government employment was first added to the data set in 2010. Learn more about the OnTheMap tool.
U.S. Census Bureau
Household Income Analysis
One, three and five year median household income estimates, the number of households by income class and poverty rates can be obtained from the American Community Survey. If a county or municipal profile file is used, this information would be under the “Economics” tab. If the five-year data is used, it would be in the “Economics” file. The Maryland State Data Center (SDC) also provides median household income tables for each jurisdiction. Click here for cautions, documentation and guidelines on using ACS data.
Maryland State Data Center
U.S. Census Bureau
Educational Attainment
One, three and five year educational attainment estimates can be obtained from the American Community Survey (ACS). If a county or municipal profile file is used, this information would be under the “Social” tab. If the five-year data is used, it would be in the “Social” file. Click here for cautions, documentation and guidelines on using ACS data.
Maryland State Data Center
U.S. Census Bureau
Commuting Trends
Limited information on commuting to work is available from the ‘Economics” tab or file of ACS profiles, including mode of travel and mean travel time. Detailed county-to-county commuting is available from the 2006-2010 ACS data. The Maryland State Data Center has this data in addition to specific county-to-county commutation tables, maps of in and out commuting, and a comparison with 2000 data. Click here for cautions, documentation and guidelines on using ACS data.
The LEHD OnTheMap application provides commutation data via the “Inflow/Outflow” analysis setting. Users should be aware that LEHD commuting data will differ from the census/ACS-based commuting data due to differences in data collection and coverage. In general, the LEHD data will show a smaller number of intra-county commutes, and a higher number of out of state and interstate commutes. Due to these differences, the LEHD data cannot be compared to historical commuting data from the Census (such as 1990 and 2000).
Maryland State Data Center
U.S. Census Bureau
Economic Trends
For economic trend data, jurisdictions can use the following links to find jobs data for previous years. NAICS data is available from 1990. SIC data is available from 1969-2001.
Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations
Maryland State Data Center
Current Economic Policy Plans, Organizations, and Implementation
Financial Sustainability
Tax Base and Finances
Considering Development Capacity
- Refer to your local Municipal Growth Element, if applicable
Considering Transportation Systems and Public Facilities
Balancing Housing and Job Opportunities
Labor force statistics are available from DLLR and the ACS. DLLR data is available for counties (and nine municipalities). This data is for the civilian labor force, and excludes those that are in the military. The ACS labor force data would have estimates for those in the military also estimates of the labor force (residence based) by occupation and industry. If a county or municipal profile file is used, this information would be under the “Economics” tab. If the five-year data is used, it would be in the “Economics” file. Click here for cautions, documentation and guidelines on using ACS data. Workers (but not labor force) and worker characteristics can also be obtained from the LEHD-on the map application (residence based analysis).
Employment Data By GeographyDeparment of Labor, Licensing and Regulation
Maryland State Data Center
The U.S. Census Bureau’s Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD)
Resource Based Industries
Maryland State Data Center
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Fisheries and Aquaculture
- Maryland Department of Natural Resources
Mineral Extraction
- Maryland Department of the Environment
Industrial, Manufacturing
Maryland Department of Transportation
- Maryland Department of Planning
- Maryland Office of Tourism
- Upper Shore Regional Council
- Maryland Historical Trust
Coordinating Workforce Training
Placing Jobs
Reinvest Maryland
Maryland Planning Department
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
Maryland State Arts Council