Placing Jobs
Within Priority Funding Areas, jurisdictions should identify locations for economic growth. Jurisdictions can choose many different placetypes and tools to achieve this, including sustainable communities, enterprise zones, Main Streets, revitalization districts, arts and entertainment districts, and many more. Visit MDP’s Placing Jobs map tool to view overlays of these designations at the county level.

Economic activity also includes resource-based industries that should be directed to rural, forested and maritime locations. An economic development element should identify these targeted places, articulate the strategies for directing appropriate economic activity to them and how to coordinate with external partners.
Strategies for Infill, Redevelopment & Revitalization

For many economic activities, it is advantageous to direct growth where infrastructure and investment already exist. Infill and redevelopment provides economic benefits by connecting businesses to both their customers and their workforces. Additionally, redevelopment can lessen the financial burden of building new infrastructure needed to spur economic growth. Local jurisdictions can call on many strategies to promote infill and redevelopment, many of which are supported by state programs that can assist in implementation.
Resources- Maryland Planning Department
- Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development
- Maryland State Arts Council