
​​Sustainabl​e​ Growth Subcabinet​​

​​Sustainable Growth Subcabinet
Virtual Public Forum

​​​Friday, December 20​
10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Register at Zoom​


Chuck Boyd​​
Assistant Secretary
Planning Services

Yasmin Behram​
​Executive Assistant​
​​Office of the Secretary

Maryland Department of Planning
120 E. Baltimore Street, Suite 2000
Baltimore, MD 21202


Subcabinet Legislative Activity

This page contains reports, plans, and studies assigned to the Sustainable Growth Subcabinet by the Governor or General Assembly to help guide and advance sustainable growth la​​nd use and development across Maryland.


The Maryla​nd the Beautiful Act​

The Maryland the Beautiful Act (CH546) of 2023 established ambitious land conservation goals: conserve 30% of the state by 2030 (30 by 30) and conserve 40% of the state by 2040 (40 by 40).

The Maryland the Beautiful Act required the Smart Growth Subcabinet to develop and publish the first five-year plan by July 1, 2024 to outline how to meet the goals in the legislation. The first Maryland the Beautiful Plan can be found on the Subcabinet’s website. An annual report on the state’s progress is due December 1 of each year and the plan will be updated at least every 5 years. Draft Report available for review on Drive, comments due to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources by October 4, 2024.

  1. ​The Maryland the Beautiful annual report: 
    1. ​​provides updated total land preservation acres through the end of FY2024 (MDP’s Maryland Protected Lands Dashboard has been updated to show our achievement of the 30% by 2030 land preservation goal and our progress towards the 40% by 2040 goal); and
    2. notes DNR’s successful launch of its Greenspace Equity program, which provides grants for 'enhancing the public health and livability of overburdened and underserved communities by implementing projects to preserve, create, and improve public greenspace in overburdened and underserved communities.' (applications are due November 1, 2024). 
  2. Moving forward through 2025, DNR, MDA, MET, and MDP will meet periodically to address the action items in the five-year Sustainable Growth Subcabinet Maryland the Beautiful plan.​


Preservation and Reuse of Historic Complexes Study

​Preservation and Reuse of Historic Complexes Study and Alterations to the Income Tax Credit for Catalytic Revitalization (SB-783) charges the Smart Growth Subcabinet (SGSC) with studying and making recommendations on an implementation plan regarding the preservation and reuse of historic complexes in the state. In the Summer of 2023, the Historic Complexes Disposition & Preservation Workgroup (the Workgroup) was convened to make recommendations to the SGSC.​

​Led by staff from the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD), the Workgroup also included representation from the Department of Planning (MDP), Maryland Historical Trust (MHT), Department of General Services (DGS), the Department of Health (MDH) and the Maryland Economic Development Corporation (MEDCo) and met regularly between September through November of this year. The Workgroup presented draft recommendations to the SGSC at its October 17, 2023 meeting and final recommendations at its December 1, 2023 meeting. This report reflects those recommendations.​

​Download the Preservation and Reuse of Historic Complexes Study​ report, December 2023​​

​Equitable and Inclusive Transit-Orien​​​​ted Developme​nt Enhancement Act​​​

The Equitable and Inclusive TOD Enhancement Act of 2023 establishes the TOD Capital Grant and Revolving Loan Fund to promote the equitable and inclusive development of transit-oriented developments and authorizes the Maryland Department of Transportation to use the Fund to provide fina​ncial assistance to local jurisdictions. It also establishes that the fund will have $5 million allocated to it in its first year and must maintain that balance at a minimum going forward. The funding for FY25 is allocated from the Transportation Trust Fund. Projects that are eligible for funding must be within a State-designated TOD area and must reflect the advancement of the TOD goals established in that Designation​.
