
​​​​​​​​​​​​Brownfield Redevelopment

Baltimore ​County East Side Assessment Grant​


Case Stud​​ies

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Planning Contact

Sylvia A. Mosser, AICP
​Resource Conservation Planner
MD Department of Planning
301 West Preston Street
Suite 1101
Baltimore, MD 21201

(410) 767-4487


Maryland’s 3rd Statewide Brownfield Conference

Landing a Brownfield ​ 

Held November 15, 2023, at Montgomery Park, Baltimore


The Maryland Department of Planning and Maryland Department of the Environment held the third statewide Brownfields Conference for local governments, consultants, attorneys, developers, and non-governmental/community organizations to learn and share information about brownfields.  View the Conference Program​.

​This was a special opportunity to explore strategies together for Landing a Brownfield, such as ways to take ownership of brownfields and a land bank discussion. The entire conference was held in a former brownfield site and an adaptive reuse success story - the Montgomery Park Business Center.

​Conference Se​ssions​

​Morning Plenary Session - Welcome Remarks

  • ​Suzanne Dorsey, Deputy Secretary of the Environment, Maryland Department of the Environment
  • Kristin R. Fleckenstein, Deputy Secretary of Planning, Maryland Department of Planning
  • Adam Ortiz, EPA Region 3 Administrator ​

Keynote Addr​ess — Montgomery Park History

  • Sam Himmelrich, Jr., Himmelrich Associates, Inc. 

Session 1—Land B​​anks for Brownfields 101 and Discussion

  • ​​Tarik Abdelazim, Director of National Technical Assistance, Center for Community Progress
  • Cailyn L. Bruno, Director, Environmental Services, Center for Community Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology​

Briefing—MDE Upd​​ates

  • Barbara Krupiarz, Program Manager, Land Restoration, Land and Materials Administration, MDE
  • Barbara H. Brown, Voluntary Cleanup Program Section Head, Land and Materials Administration, MDE ​

Session 2—Land Acquisition Tools from State and ​​​​Federal Government Mentors

Part I: Maryland Department of Natu​ral Resources Environmental Due Diligence Process for Land Acquisition

  • ​​​Judd Vickers, Acting Director, Land Acquisition and Planning, DNR

Part 2: Leveragi​​ng HUD Section 108 for Land Acquisition

  • Jorge Morales, Lead Loan Financing Specialist, HUD Section 108
  • Sean Dennihy-Bailey, Community Planning & Development Specialist, HUD Section 108​
  • Erik Pechuekonis, Community Planning & Development Specialist, HUD Section 108​

Video com​​pilation of Maryland brownfield case studies by Richard Garner, MDE

  • Q&A with Barbara H. Brown, Voluntary Cleanup Program Section Head, Land and Materials Administration, MDE​


Session 3—Partn​​erships for Land Transfers

  • Carrie Staton, Director, West Virginia University (WVU) Technical Assistance to Brownfield Communities (TAB)
  • Patrick Kirby, Chief Operating Officer, Raze International Inc. 

Closing​​ Remarks

  • ​Tyler Abbott, Director, Land and Materials Administration, MDE​