Web-Based GIS to Use Online Hosted by MDP
If you use property maps and parcel information in your day-to-day business, have access to the Internet and do not require the more robust analytical features of a desktop GIS –
FINDER Online is the solution you've been waiting for. Developed and hosted by the Maryland Department of Planning, FINDER Online simplifies the way that Maryland's 2800+ tax maps and 2.2 million parcel records are searched and viewed.
FINDER Online is available for use on a desktop or laptop computer with the following browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox (preferred), Google Chrome (preferred).
FINDER Online will also work on Android tablets and phones although it has not been optimized for use in those environments. The web-based application can be used to navigate, search, display and retrieve parcel-based information and to perform limited queries of property related data. It is not designed for advanced analysis or query functions.
FINDER Online provides rapid access to a comprehensive set of property related information. Other planning, environmental and census data are available to overlay with the property and imagery base map data. Users can locate a specific property by address, zip code, municipality name or by zooming into an area of interest. Information can be accessed for Parcel, Sale and CAMA data; attribute data can be extracted and area maps can be generated in a variety of map formats.
Also available:
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FINDER Online Mobile is a further simplified application for tablets and mobile devices that incorporates responsive design. |
About FINDER Online Tax Maps and Parcel Data
Tax maps, also known as assessments, property or parcel maps, are a graphic representation of real property showing and defining individual property boundaries in relationship to contiguous real property. The primary purpose of these maps is to help State tax assessors locate properties for assessments and taxation purposes. Tax maps are also used by federal, State and local government agencies as well as private sector firms for a variety of analyses and decision making processes.
The maps contained herein are NOT to be construed or used as a "legal description". It is not a survey product and not to be used for the design, modification or construction of improvements to real property or for flood plain determination. MDP does not provide any guaranty of accuracy or completeness regarding the map information. Any errors or omissions should be reported to the Maryland Department of Planning Data Planning Services Division. In no event will MDP or the State of Maryland be liable for any damages, including but not limited to loss of data, lost profits, business interruption, loss of business information or any other pecuniary loss that might arise from the use of this map or information it contains.
See an Example of a Tax Map
The Property Mapping Section, part of MDP's Planning Data Services division, is responsible for maintaining electronic tax maps for the 23 counties in Maryland. The State's 2800+ tax maps are maintained in a combined GIS and Computer Aided Design (CAD) environment and updated on an annual cycle using new property plats and deed changes obtained from the State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT). These maps form the foundation for many of MDP's products and services including FINDER Online.
What Comes with FINDER Online?
FINDER Online allows for the display of the State's computerized property (tax) maps; the x,y linkages (point and/or polygon) to the Parcel, Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) and Sale datasets; Parcel, CAMA and Sale data from the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT); reference grids including a grid for the property (tax) maps; and base map information containing roads, street names, hydrographic and other reference features.
Also included are land use/land cover data; congressional and legislative district boundary files; census geography and census demographic data; ZIP code boundary files; Priority Funding Area (PFA) designations; municipal boundaries; floodplain data; protected lands boundaries; watershed data; generalized zoning designations; sewer service area boundaries; National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) Maryland coverage; and large-scale, high resolution color digital-ortho imagery.
Beyond FINDER Online
Individuals or organizations interested in a single jurisdiction (county or Baltimore City) or wanting to perform advanced queries, analyses or reporting on parcel data may want to consider one of MDP's other GIS related software products:
MdProperty View works with ArcGIS® software, an Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI) product, which is not included with MdProperty View and must be purchased separately.
FINDER Quantum works with Quantum GIS (QGIS) software, a
free downloadable user-friendly Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) licensed under the GNU General Public License.
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