Mastering the Master Plan Workshop

Virtual Workshop

Held July 16, 2021

With the anticipated release of the 2020 Census numbers later this year, many jurisdictions are engaged in local discussions and implementing workplans to update their comprehensive/master plans. Maryland’s Land Use Article (LUA) codifies specific requirements that all jurisdictions with planning and zoning authority must meet when completing and adopting a comprehensive plan. The Maryland Department of Planning’s 10-year cycle documents for counties and municipalities​ highlight the expected increase in updated comprehensive plans over the next few years.  The MPCA conduct this workshop in partnership with the Maryland Department of Planning and local stakeholders. 

The Workshop topics included:  Purpose of comprehensive plans; Maryland comprehensive plan requirements; Planning to plan – what do we need to do to make best plan possible?; Community outreach and engagement; Plan drafting process; Data and analysis; Connection with other planning documents; Implementation; and Role of the citizen planners.

If you have any questions about the MPCA, or an upcoming workshop, please contact Joe Griffiths at

Presentation Slide Deck

2023 Draft Comprehensive Master Plan Implementation Matrix from Bill Butts' Ptresentation

Mastering the Master Plan Workshop Recording
