MPCA 2011 Annual Conference
November 9 - 10, 2011
Tidewater Inn, Easton
The conference theme was New Directions in Planning; Tools for Planning Now!
Wednesday November 9
Planning Commissioners Education Course
This class satisfies the requirements of the Smart and Sustainable Growth Act of 2009 which requires planning com-mission and board of appeals members to complete a planning education course within 6 months of appointment.
Click here for the presentation
Click here for Planning Commissioners Education Course
Maryland EV Station Infrastructure - Webinar
How cities, counties and communities can prepare for the oncoming wave of clean transportation - electric vehicles (EVs). What are they? Do all of them need to be plugged in to refuel? If so, where will people re-fuel? What electric vehicle infrastructure (EVI) planning is underway to stage the cleanest, smartest EVI?
Click here for the presentation
Jill A. T. Sorensen - Executive Director, Baltimore-Washington Electric Vehicle Initiative ("BEVI")
Social Media and Ethics - Webinar
In this brave new world of media, what is ethical? Social media applications have created new ways to communicate but are seldom addressed in administrative rules. What can you say to whom, and how? Explored further how social media affects planners and planning commissioners and whether the ethical considerations are the same for both groups. Offered 1.5 hours of CM credit.
Webinar was presented by the Lincoln Land Institute and the American Planning Association
Click here for the presentation
Patricia E. Salkin - Associate Dean & Director Albany Law School
Julie A. Tappendorf - Partner Ancel Glink
Q & A - Social Media & Ethics: A Maryland Perspective
Amanda Stakem Conn, ESQ - Assistant Attorney General, Counsel to the Maryland Department of Planning
Keynote Speaker: The A, B, Cs of ABCD; Asset Based Community Development
How can a community build on its unique assets and use those as a foundation for revitalization and LOCAL economic development? Attendees learned from strategies and examples that communities can use to create initiatives to promote community vitality and quality of life, and potentially lead to local sustainability - economic, social and environmental. And if we had a little fun along the way � well, so much the better. Offered 1 hour of CM credit.
Jim Segedy, Ph.D., FAICP - The Planning Guild (
Thursday November 10
Town Planning and Clean Energy
This session explored clean energy integration as a sustain-able strategy for small towns and municipalities, starting from the earliest stages of planning to ensure heightened environmental performance with a focus on neighborhood and community scales. Current regulations, emerging trends and model projects were discussed along with traditional town planning principles that reduce energy demand and maximize energy efficiencies. Wind energy was discussed in detail.
David Ager, AICP - Principal, Townscape Design LLC (
Andrew Gohn - Clean Energy Program Manager, Maryland Energy Administration (
Janice Wiles - Moderator, Land and Cultural Preservation Fund
New Directions in Planning
In Maryland we are leading the nation in not only thinking about change, but in preparing for the future. This session examined how municipal finances and the impact of development on economic sustainability can serve as a mechanism for moving a land use vision forward from concept to reality. Offered 1 hour of CM credit.
Rollin Stanley, AICP - Planning Director, Montgomery County (
Visioning and Planning: Two Approaches to Public Participation
Two counties, two approaches. We learned how Prince George’s County used a variety of outreach processes to reach over 20,000 stakeholders to create a long-term vision where everyone could see themselves as part of the County’s future. From Queen Anne’s County, we heard how a traditional planning exercise became the focus of a public forum to maximize citizen participation eventually resulting in over 400 recommendations to update the Comprehensive Plan.
Samuel J. Parker, Jr., AICP - Envision Prince George’s Implementation Coordinating Council (
Helen M. Spinelli, AICP - Chief, Community and Environmental Planning, Queen Anne’s County (
Paivi Spoon - Moderator, MPCA Board Member and Town of Cheverly Planning Commission
Coordinating ESDs and WIPS with Smart Green and Growing
Katheleen Freeman, AICP - Director, Caroline County Department of Planning & Codes (
David Ager, AICP - Principal Townscape Design LLC (
Michael Wagner, PE - Senior Project Manager/Associate Loiederman Soltesz Associates (
John Leocha - Moderator, Maryland Department of Planning