Baltimore County

Baltimore County is served by the Baltimore Metro Subway, Light Rail, and MARC Penn and Camden Lines with 15 stations.
Master Plan 2020 gives the highest priority to sites with good multi-modal access, especially near existing or proposed transit systems as Community Enhancement Areas, where sustainable communities can occur with compact, mixed-use and walkable developments. The plan also includes land use and transportation recommendations that will help TOD. Moreover, the county’s Planned Unit Development legislation and parking reductions encourage developers to build in a pedestrian and transit friendly manner. However, there aren’t any community plans that are developed specifically to support TOD around existing station areas. And no zoning and development regulatory framework exists to encourage TOD.
After a 2004 assessment of TOD potential in transit station areas, city officials coordinated with MDOT and MDP to carry out three pilot projects that would complete station area plans and seek private interests in developing TOD near the State Center, West Baltimore MARC and Reisterstown Plaza stations.
In 2011, the state and county officials designated the Owings Mills Metro Station Area as a TOD, which included state financing for infrastructure. County leaders partnered with state and federal agencies to set aside space to attract major public institutions; a public library and a new campus of the Baltimore County Community College are underway.
• Best practice: Public-Private Partnership for TOD