Coastmont County Water Resources Element

Coastmont County Watersheds*

Coastmont County is divided by two basin watersheds Coastmont River and the Yorkie River and three local watersheds Jones Creek, Thistle Creek and Tides Creek.

The Coastmont River Watershed covers Coastmont, Rock Plains, and Western Mountain counties in Maryland and part of Hanover County in Pennsylvania. The Jones Creek sub- watershed is part of the Coastmont River Watershed that drains a large section of the Piedmont area of Coastmont County. While the Jones Creek watershed is within most of Coastmont County it also extends into Western Mountain County, Maryland and Hanover County, Pennsylvania. Jones Creek is an impaired stream and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) have been established by MDE for fecal coliform, nitrogen and phosphorus. The TMDLs are currently being exceeded and a plant ENR upgrade for the town of Piedmont’s WWTP to minimize these loading impacts is currently funded.

The Tides Creek sub-watershed meanders through the coastal area of Waverly and empties into the Chesapeake Bay. Tides Creek does not have any point source discharge, but it does drain a large area of the county and the influences of stormwater runoff have impaired the stream’s water quality due to urban runoff. The county comprehensive plan recommends the immediate implementation of restoration efforts.

The Yorkie River Watershed extends into Coastmont County in the northeast area of the county. The town of Forestville is located in this watershed as is the pristine Thistle Creek watershed – Thistle Creek is a sub-watershed that drains into the Yorkie River. Due to the relatively healthy and stable conditions in Thistle Creek, Coastmont County and the town of Forestville have designated the drainage area of Thistle Creek for low impact development and as a forest conservation zoning district.

* See Coastmont County Watershed M​ap