The Baltimore County East Side Revitalization Community-Wide Assessment Grant (the project) provides free environmental site assessments for property owners within several East Side neighborhoods in Baltimore County. The properties must be determined to be brownfields, which are defined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as properties “the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant.”
This webpage provides interested stakeholders with the
purpose of
the project, information designed to address
questions that property owners may have, information designed to address
questions that community members may have and resources for additional information. The webpage explains the scope of the project, provides a foundational understanding of Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments, describes how community members can help inform us about brownfields in the East Side community that may not be known to us, and addresses issues property owners and community members may have about brownfields and environmental assessments.
In 2021, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Program selected 151 communities to award 154 brownfield grants (from over 400 applicants). Approximately 50% of the grants were awarded to communities who had never received an EPA brownfields grant. The Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) and Frederick City were both first-time recipients. Both Maryland grantees applied for and were awarded community-wide assessment grants to conduct environmental assessments of multiple properties in their target communities.
Part of the mission of Maryland's Brownfield Redevelopment Assistance Program is to elevate Maryland into the nation’s regular grantee states for brownfields grants and to expand the EPA Brownfield Program funding to a larger portion of the State. Two grant awards in Maryland, and beyond Baltimore City, in one year helped us support the program’s mission. Moving forward, we will continue to engage with Maryland communities to obtain additional brownfield grants throughout the state to fund the planning, assessment, and cleanup work on brownfields that promotes redevelopment/reuse.
Brownfields Program Environmental and Economic Benefits
For a property to be considered eligible for a free Phase I and/or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) under this grant opportunity, several criteria must be met:
- The property owner agrees to the ESA and signs an access agreement (to allow entry onto the property and to authorize needed activities to be conducted on the property) between the owner, the environmental consultant, and MDP.
- The property is located in the target area as depicted on the Target Area Map (see below).
- The property must be a brownfield (see definition) and EPA will prioritize sites with the most redevelopment potential.
- The property meets one or more of the prioritization criteria developed by Baltimore County, MDP, and the Maryland Department of the Environment, including location in an Opportunity Zone, location proximate to Pulaski Highway, located in a locally-designated growth area, parcels with sufficient acreage, and properties within watersheds with EPA-approved Total Maximum Daily Load restrictions.
Note that, if needed, there is flexibility for MDP to expand the target area beyond the East Side if the grant funds cannot be fully expended in the initial target area.

Community Member Portal
The Target Area Map tool can be used by Community Members to identify potential East Side brownfield locations you may have observed in your community with the “Brownfield Scout” form.
Property Owner Portal
The Target Area Map tool can be used by Property Owners to learn about state and county incentive areas, and where special financial incentive opportunities are available.