The Challenge
Participate in a variety of outdoor activities throughout the Patuxent River watershed. Document your participation by taking a selfie with each activity’s Patuxent Challenge sign. Prizes of different levels are awarded to participants who complete 5, 10, or 15 activities within the calendar year. To receive your prize, email your selfie pics with each activity sign along with your name and mailing address to
Share your adventures on social media using the hashtag, #PatuxentChallenge.
Prizes will be shipped 4-6 weeks after submission is received. All submissions must be received before January 31st of the following year. One set of prize(s) per address.
Go to the Sites and Activities page for locations.
About the Patuxent Challenge
The Patuxent Challenge is an initiative by the Tourism Workgroup of the Patuxent River Commission. The Tourism Workgroup was established to maintain, create, and encourage opportunities for river-related economic activities and encourage public access and recreational opportunities to the river and tributaries throughout the Patuxent River watershed.
Patuxent Challenge Partners

Use of #PatuxentChallenge on social media sites is intended exclusively to promote and share recreational enjoyment of the Patuxent River. When utilizing #PatuxentChallenge, please refrain from posting: (1) content that is unlawful, profane, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, abusive, slanderous, hateful, or embarrassing to others; or (2) third party commercial advertising or promotion. Views and opinions expressed while utilizing #PatuxentChallenge do not necessarily represent those of the Patuxent River Commission or other sponsors.