​Instructions and Guidance for Specific Plan Submissions

Instructions and Guidance on Submissions to the Maryland Department of Planning


Review Period: 30 days. Local Government Article Section § 4-415(f) requires municipalities to submit an annexation packet to the Maryland Department of Planning (Planning) at least 30 days prior to the public hearing on an annexation resolution. However, Planning recommends that municipalities submit annexations to the department for review with at least a week buffer between the end of the 30 days and the public hearing, thus providing time for staff to review and prepare for Planning’s comments. Planning makes every attempt to accommodate expedited reviews but cannot guarantee that we will be able to complete our reviews in fewer than 30 days. Annexations submitted for review fewer than 30 days prior to the public hearing may require the municipality to reschedule the public hearing.

Submission Requirements: Local Government Article Section § 4-415(c) requires annexation plans, which must be submitted to MDP with the annexation packet, to be consistent with the annexing municipality’s municipal growth element. Consistency means that an area to be annexed must be included in the municipal growth area in the municipal growth element, usually, but not always, in the form of a mapped area in the element. A municipality cannot annex an area that is not included in the municipal growth element. The municipal growth element demonstrates that a municipality has considered the public facility and service demands associated with expanding the municipal boundaries. If a municipality desires to annex an area that is not included in its municipal growth element, or the annexation plan is not consistent with the municipal growth element, it will need to amend its comprehensive plan prior to annexation to ensure consistency or modify the annexation plan for the same. Please see the Maryland Department of Planning's comprehensive plan FAQs to learn more about comprehensive plan amendments, and the Department's Municipal Planning webpage or Writing the Municipal Growth Element of a Comprehensive Plan​ Models & Guidelines for information about annexations and the municipal growth element.

In addition to the annexation plan, a complete annexation packet also includes the following components.

  1. An official cover letter from the jurisdiction which includes a copy of the public hearing notification. If the public hearing notification is not yet available, or if the public hearing has not yet been scheduled, the jurisdiction should provide the tentative public hearing date and provide a copy of the notification when it becomes available.
  2. A copy of the proposed draft adoption resolution and/or the annexation petition.
  3. A boundary survey plat, the metes and bounds description, parcel and/or lot number, and address of property.
  4. If the jurisdiction annexing the land has planning and zoning authority, then the packet should also include the existing county zoning, the proposed municipal zoning, existing and proposed density (if residential use is allowed in the zone), water and sewer service area category, and comprehensive plan designated growth area status.
  5. If known at the time of annexation submission, the municipality should indicate if it intends to or has already requested a waiver from the county in which the annexation area resides. Waivers are required for development within five years for land uses substantially different from, or at a substantially higher density than, land uses currently authorized by county zoning (See Local Government Article § 4-416 (b)).
  6. Any other pertinent information relating to the area of annexation.

Submission Process/Contacts: Please send all annexation materials via email, at least 30 days prior to the planning commission public hearing, to mdp.planreview@maryland.gov​, as well as all regional planners assigned to the jurisdiction. Please see Planning’s Local Planning Staff Assignments webpage for appropriate regional planner contacts. Others may be copied as the jurisdiction deems necessary.

To learn more, visit the Maryland Department of Planning Annexations webpage.