Model Housing Element Development Process

​Step 5

​Based on the discussion generated by, and analysis conducted during, steps 1–5, the jurisdiction should consider the housing goals, objectives, and policies that will best address its housing vision and needs, particularly those related to the provision of affordable housing. The examples below are provided for jurisdictions to consider and should be modified to meet local conditions and desires.

Example Goals

  • Neighborhoods with a mix of housing types and sizes that can accommodate a variety of households.
  • Housing stock well integrated into the fabric of the community and accessible to amenities, employment opportunities, community facilities, and transportation networks.
  • A community with a mix of homeowners and renters.
  • Safe, vibrant, and well-maintained neighborhoods that inspire residents and visitors and convey a sense of place.
  • A diverse community with safe and affordable housing for all current and future residents.
  • Residential communities that can grow sustainably, are supported by existing and planned infrastructure and address the housing needs for a variety of income levels.
  • Housing stock that addresses the needs of all segments of the community.
  • A community in which existing affordable housing is preserved and well maintained.

Example Objectives

  • Support quality, safe, and affordable housing in a variety of types, sizes, locations, and costs to meet the needs of current and future residents, regardless of age or income status.
  • Preserve historical and architectural character and promote the rehabilitation and re-use of existing structures where feasible
  • Provide affordable housing that is well maintained and meets the needs of the entire community
  • Seek partners and funding to increase the supply of housing for the senior population, including developments that support aging in place
  • Encourage residential growth that meets the needs of those in all income levels
  • Promote new development design that conveys a sense of place
  • Make [Jurisdiction] a more attractive place for young families to settle
  • Encourage and support efforts to maintain the quality and appearance of individual properties
  • Incorporate traditional, walkable, friendly design into new and existing residential neighborhoods
  • Encourage efforts to maintain the quality and appearance of individual properties to help retain property values
  • Achieve features in new construction and development in the town that mimic traditional town amenities and design
  • Create pedestrian links that connect neighborhoods with each other, the downtown, and other major features
  • Support private sector affordable housing opportunities accessible to the entire population without compromising the quality of our residential neighborhoods.
  • Provide incentives and encourage the provision of affordable housing through public, private, and joint ventures ensuring income-based housing equality
  • Support the provision of dwelling units in a variety of types, locations, and costs so that housing supply matches projected housing needs
  • Preserve and rehabilitate existing housing stock
  • Encourage homeownership and promote foreclosure prevention programs for low- and moderate-income households
  • Coordinate with neighboring jurisdictions on housing needs and issues

Example Policies and Implementation Strategies

  • Review ordinances, codes, regulations, and the permitting process to eliminate or modify conflicting and excessive requirements, and to streamline the regulatory process
  • Revise the R2 district to permit 5,000 square foot lots for single family detached units and 1,800 square feet for single family attached units
  • Consider modifications to the land use plan and zoning that encourages infill housing development
  • Reduce onsite parking requirements in Main Street District
  • Permit accessory units in the R1, R2 districts
  • Support a land use pattern and land use designations that provide for housing opportunities at varying densities and at appropriate locations consistent with the Land use Plan Element
  • Permit commercial apartments in the Main Street and C-1 districts
  • Support housing projects that provide a mix of housing to serve a range of income levels, integrating traditional market value housing with affordable housing opportunities.
  • Hire a code enforcement officer
  • Encourage, support the creation of, and partner with non-profit housing development corporations to develop, own, and manage affordable housing
  • Direct 50% of Sustainable Communities facade grant funding to maintain affordable housing units
  • Complete an existing conditions housing inventory which includes, but is not limited to, housing condition, age, cost, size, type, tenure, and vacancy rate
  • Upon completion of the housing inventory and based upon the data compiled, initiate a housing needs inventory to determine housing surplus and/or deficiencies
  • The Future Land Use Element shall designate land for residential use to meet the projected housing needs, including affordable and workforce housing
  • Review and evaluate zoning and other regulations to ensure that the requirements do not limit low-income and affordable housing opportunities
  • Maintain and rehabilitate publicly owned infrastructure and facilities in older neighborhoods to exhibit community investment, establish confidence, and prevent neighborhood decline
  • Create a local historic district and encourage owners to seek historic tax credits

The Housing Implementation and Regulations Questionnaire can assist jurisdictions when they are developing strategies for affordable housing development.

End of Model Housing Element Development Process