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Affordable Housing Best Practices

The Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit program is not funded directly, but developers and investors are offered incentives and density bonuses when they participate in the program, which makes it more desirable to potential investors and developer​s

Theresa Wellman, Annapolis Chief of Community Development: tcw@annapolis.gov

Baltimore voters approved a Charter Amendment to create the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. To fund the effort, the City Council passed Bill 18-0221, Ordinance 18-215, Recordation and Transfer Taxes, “Yield” Excise Tax – Dedicated Proceeds to the Affordable Housing Trust Funds. The bill, signed into law on December 12, 2018, authorized a .06% excise tax on the transfer of real property valued at or above $1 million and a 0.15% excise tax on the recordation tax for real property transaction value at or above $1 million. Approximately $13 million per year is expected to be generated through the proposed new excise taxes.

Tammy Hawkeye, Baltimore City Director of Strategic Communications: tammy.hawley@baltimorecity.gov

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) awarded Edmonston $50,000 Community Legacy grants for fiscal years 2018-20. Over that time, the program has rehabilitated 20 senior and low-income homes, bringing them up to code standards. Since the program started, code citations in the community have been reduced by 50%. The town leverages the DHCD funding with $10,000 per award in project administration.

Rodney Barnes, Edmonston Town Administrator: rbarnes@edmonstonmd.gov

The current annual operating budget for the Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) office is approximately $970,000. Funding for the acquisition of MPDUs comes from a variety of sources, including federal acquisition-without-rehabilitation program funds, local tax-exempt bonds, private sector investment in federal low-income housing tax credit partnerships, the Montgomery Housing Initiative Fund (a local housing trust fund), and from funding through the Maryland Housing Finance agency.

Stephanie Killian, Montgomery County Housing Division Chief: 

Garrett County Community Action and the National Equity Fund established an organizational and funding partnership to limit liability and enable project financing. Selection criteria are used to determine an applicant’s eligibility to live in The Meadows and other similar housing developments operating in the area. The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development and USDA’s Rural Development Office have also provided grant funding. 

Lenora Fischetti, Mountain Lake Clerk/Treasurer: mlpclerk@mac.com

Salisbury Neighborhood Housing Services (SNHS) is a chartered member of NeighborWorks America (NWA), a congressionally chartered non-profit. The organization also receives funding support from other federal sources, the State of Maryland, the City of Salisbury, and the local business community. They work with lending institutions to help assist with closing costs on home purchases and use funding sources available through the Department of Housing and Community Development to target specific neighborhoods and areas in the city. 

Lori Carter, Wicomico Director of Planning, Zoning and Community Development: 

Deborah Stam, Salisbury Grants Manager:dstam@salisbury.md

The program is federally funded and works in conjunction with the county. The housing choice voucher program is administered by the county, which is referred to as a Public Housing Agency. HUD provides housing assistance funds, as well as funding directly to the county to help with the administration of the program.

Melissa Sandy, Acting Senior Housing Specialist, Housing Authority of St. Mary’s County: 