Maryland state agencies provide guidance through their various plans, policies, programs and procedures that can help prepare for and implement Transit Oriented Development (TOD). The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) and the Maryland Department of Planning (MDP) play key roles in supporting local jurisdictions and private developers in preparing and helping implement TOD throughout the state. Other state agencies also play important roles in supporting TODs.
MDOT’s primary goal is to provide access to safe, affordable, efficient and reliable transportation. With regard to TOD in particular, MDOT strives to:
- Provide high quality transit infrastructure & service, and coordinate with other service providers.
- Support the provision of high quality bike & pedestrian infrastructure to encourage safe access to transit stations by walking and biking.
- Provide technical assistance in plan development and site plan review to ensure that land use and design decisions support safe and efficient multimodal access to station areas.
- Develop partnerships with local jurisdictions and other stakeholders to support the development of transit-oriented projects, by assisting with TOD Designation, land assembly, planning and feasibility studies, where appropriate.
MDP casts a vision for smart growth throughout Maryland, helping create state policy and working with counties and municipalities in land use and resource planning. Traditionally, implementation and development of TOD falls under the responsibility of the local and/or county planning and zoning authorities. With regard to TOD, MDP strives to:
- Encourage land use planning and development that supports transit at the local level
- Assist in identifying development opportunities within transit-served corridors
- Assist in TOD planning in conjunction with major transitway corridor studies
- Provide guidance on land use strategies to achieve TOD outcomes, including encouraging local governments to develop and use transit supportive zoning and other land use tools in comprehensive plans, land use regulations and development procedures to achieve appropriate densities, land use patterns, and multimodal transportation networks in station areas and encourage progressive parking policies