TOD Policies and Programs

Maryland TOD Policies

TOD has been an important part of the Maryland’s overall smart growth strategy for more than a decade, and state policies and programs reflect that. State policies support TOD as a central element of Maryland’s smart growth strategy.

 1992 – 1997 – Economic Growth, Resource Protection, and Planning Act​ (revised as 12 Planning Visions in 2009) and Smart Growth and Neighborhood Conservation Act provide overarch smart growth policies in Maryland.

 2000 - Governor Parris Glendening signs Executive Order establishing Task Force for Transit-Oriented Development ​ to address TOD barriers and make recommendations for broadening the TOD implementation and maximizing TOD benefits in Maryland.

 2008 - Transit Oriented Development legislation​ defines TOD as a transportation purpose to allow the use of state transportation funding to support TOD.  The legislation also designates TOD sites to facilitate public and private collaboration to achieve tangible results. 

 ​2009 - Tax Increment Financing (TIF) & Special Taxing District for Transit Oriented Development authorizes jurisdictions to use TIF and special taxing districts to finance TOD infrastructure projects.

 2009 - Locating State Facilities to Stimulate TOD. Executive Order requiring state agencies to promote TOD by locating new state facilities in TOD sites.

 2010 - Sustainable Communities Act​ establishes Sustainable Communities supported by a comprehensive package of state resources. Designated TODs receive bonus weighting under the state’s Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program.

The Maryland Department of Transportation supports TOD​ through planning, a TOD Designation Program​ and a joint development program​.

State policies support TOD as a central element of Maryland’s smart growth strategy.


TOD Designation Program

• Maryland’s Transit-Oriented Development Designation Program

MDOT Joint Development

• The Maryland Department of Transportation's Joint Development Program​



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