Part 1: Guidelines | II. General Assessment Methodologies
General Assessment Methodologies –
Overall methods and definitions
This section provides a broad overview of the steps and methods necessary to produce a WRE. The technical work that this section summarizes is elaborated in section IV: Drinking Water Assessment, section V: Wastewater Assessment and section VI: Stormwater Assessment. The appendix offers methodologies based on currently available data that can be used to make the necessary assessments.
General Scope of the WRE
The WRE should be at a level appropriate to the general scope and nature of a comprehensive plan. The details of technical assessments should be contained in other plans and documents as appropriate, such as the County Water and Sewerage Plan, appendices to the WRE or separate reports that can be included as part of the plan by reference.
The WRE should include:
- Summaries of technical work for the entire plan;
- Interpretations of the meaning of the technical work for the entire plan;
- Maps and tables that support the WRE background and recommendations; and
- Policies and actions emanating from water resources issues as they relate to land use and infrastructure policies, programs and actions, as discussed in Section III of this guidance document.