Coastmont County Water Resources Element

Point and Nonpoint Source Loading Status and Remediation

Coastmont County planning staff worked with planning committees and officials from each municipality and the county to assess nonpoint source loading impacts tied to the different land uses and their associated land covers. MDP and MDE have also been valuable resources, aiding in the computation of these loading impacts. The calculations are based on the 2030 land use map from Coastmont County. 2030 county land uses were matched to MDP land use categories to accommodate the State Growth Development Loading Model. With the expectation that water supply will be sufficient to serve 2030 projected population, wastewater impacts from both septic tanks and WWTPs were incorporated into the analyses.

Next, the county determined which land use development plan would best minimize future impervious surfaces and stormwater nutrient loading. Numerous land use plans were tested, and it was determined that the smart growth land use plan produced the best reduction in overall loading calculations. The use of cluster development and the continued implementation of BMPs on all land uses, coupled with mandatory open space and forestation requirements, will help minimize the impacts of stormwater runoff. The smart growth land use plan also minimized the increase in impervious surfaces, which contributed to an overall reduction in nonpoint source loading impacts. The highest nutrient reductions were attributed to the conversion of BNR treatment plants to ENR technology and the connection of numerous existing septic systems. Note: A reduction in farmland was also projected due to the historic trend of market driven influences. ​Added to that, a partial conversion of farmland into pasture for grazing created a minimal increase to the nonpoint source loading changes in this region.