



Planning produces the official population and household projections for the state and its 24 jurisdictions. Population and household projections are updated every three years with annual revisions as needed. Planning also develops the official public school enrollment projections for the state and all 24 jurisdictions, annually. These demographic projection series contain a wealth of data, analysis, and information useful for planning, policy evaluation, and consideration of alternatives.

School Enrollment Projections

P​reliminary Projections to 2055 Revised March 2025

 Total ​Population (3/25​​)​​​​
Preliminary ​Total Population Projection​s: XLSX | PDF

Projections to 2045 Revised December 2020

The Maryland Department of Planning has completed a set of projections for total and household population, households and household size (see below).
 Population and Households (12/20)​​​​
Total Population Projection​s: XLSX | PDF
Household Population Projections: XLSX | PDF
Household Projections: XLSX | PDF
Household Size Projections: XLSX | PDF
Total Population Projections by Age, Sex and Race: XLSX
Household Population Projections by Age, Sex and Race: XLSX
 Population 16 Years and Over (1/18):
XLSX: Total, Male, Female
PDF: Total, Male, Female
 Labor Force (1/18):
XLSX: Total, Male, Female
PDF: Total, Male, Female
 Labor Force Participation Rate (1/18):
XLSX: Total, Male, Female
PDF: Total, Male, Female
 Preliminary ​Total Jobs by Place of Work by Jurisdiction(10/22)XLSX | PDF


Contact Alfred Sundara at 410-767-4456 or e-mail to Alfred.Sundara@maryland.gov