
Census Migration

Highlights (late August)

I. State to State Migration Tables for Maryland
1995 to 2000 Census Based Interstate & Foreign Migration Flows for Population Ages 5 and Over XLS | PDF
1995 to 2000 Census Based Interstate & Foreign Migration Flows for Population Ages 5 to 64 XLS | PDF
1995 to 2000 Census Based Interstate & Foreign Migration Flows for Population Ages 65 and Over XLS | PDF

II. Net County Migration Tables
1995 to 2000 Census Based Net Migration for the Population Ages 5 and Over for Maryland’s Jurisdictions XLS | PDF
1985 to 1990 Census Based Net Migration for the Population Ages 5 and Over for Maryland’s Jurisdictions XLS | PDF
Difference in Census Based Net Migration, Population Ages 5 and Over 1995 to 2000 Less 1985 to 1990 XLS | PDF

III. Charts
Total Net Migration, 1995-2000 and 1985-1990 PDF
Net Interstate Migration and Foreign Immigration, 1995-2000 and 1985-1990 PDF
Interstate Immigration to Maryland by Age, 1995-2000 PDF
Interstate Outmigration from Maryland by Age, 1995-2000 PDF
Net Interstate Migration for Maryland by Age, 1995-2000 PDF
Foreign Immigration to Maryland by Age, 1995-2000 PDF
Total Net Migration to Maryland by Age Group, 1995-2000 PDF​