Maryland State Data Center


  • FY 2010 Federal Expenditure Decrease Slight for Maryland, Small Pull Back From Record Growth in the Prior Year​

  • Summary Tables and Charts :

    Tables :
    Table 1- Federal Government Expenditures & Obligations in the U.S. and Maryland, FY1993-FY2010 (Constant 2005$) PDF​ XLS
    Table 2- Federal Government Expenditures & Obligations in the U.S. and Maryland, FY1993-FY2010(Current $) PDF XLS​
    Table 3A- Federal Government Expenditures & Obligations by Jurisdiction, FY2000-FY2010 (Constant 2005$) PDF XLS
    Table 3B- Change of Federal Government Expenditures & Obligations by Jurisdiction, FY2000-FY2010 (Constant 2005$) PDF XLS​
    Table 3C- Percent Change of Federal Government Expenditures & Obligations by Jurisdiction, FY2000-FY2010 (Constant 2005$) PDF XLS
    Table 4A- Federal Government Expenditures & Obligations by Jurisdiction, FY2000-FY2010(Current $) PDF XLS
    Table 4B- Change of Federal Government Expenditures & Obligations by Jurisdiction, FY2000-FY2010 (Current $) PDF XLS​
    Table 4C- Percent Change of Federal Government Expenditures & Obligations by Jurisdiction, FY2000-FY2010 (Current $) PDF XLS

    Charts (data is in constant 2005$) :
    Chart 1 - Annual Total Change in Federal Expenditures & Obligations for Maryland, FY1983-FY2010
    Chart 2 - Annual Percent Change in Federal Expenditures & Obligations for Maryland, FY1983-FY2010
    Chart 3 - Maryland Federal Expenditures & Obligations as a Share of U.S. Total, FY1983-FY2010
    Chart 4 - Per Capita Federal Expenditures for States - FY2010
    Chart 5 - Per Capita Federal Expenditures and Obligations for Maryland and the U.S., FY1983-FY2010
    Chart 6 - Federal Procurement Expenditures and Obligations in Maryland, FY1983-FY2010
    Chart 7 - Share of Federal Expenditures by Type in Maryland, FY1983-FY2010
    Chart 8 - Share of Federal Expenditure Shares by Type for Maryland and the U.S., FY2010
    Chart 9 - Salaries & Wages Share of Total Federal Expenditures for Maryland and the U.S, FY1983-FY2010
    Chart 10 - Federal Grants to Maryland, FY1983-FY2010
    Chart 11 - Total Federal Expenditures by County for FY2010

  • Detailed Tables :
    Maryland_2010 - Federal expenditures for Maryland by type for FY2010 (current $) XLS
    Tables A-E: Summary on Federal Expenditures & Obligations data by type by jurisdiction, FY1983-FY2010 (2005 $) XLS​
    Tables F-J: Summary on Federal Expenditures & Obligations data by type by jurisdiction, FY1983-FY2010 (current dollars) XLS