The data made avail​able for download on this page is the Census 2020 redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) as provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. This data has NOT yet been adjusted as directed by Md. Code Ann., State Gov’t § 2-2A-01, by properly locating certain incarcerated individuals and therefore SHOULD NOT be used for redistricting purposes. Any redistricting submissions based on this unadjusted data may not meet the parameters of an acceptable district and could potentially be rejected by the Maryland Citizens redistricting Commission.

Note: The adjusted data for redistricting is available here​.





​Census 2020 P.L. 94-171 Data

Release Date: August 12, 2021

(Public Law 94-171, U.S. Census Bureau redistricting Data Release)


The Census 2020 redistricting Summary File contains the following tables:

  • Table P1 -- Total Population by Race
  • Table P2 -- Total Population by Hispanic or Latino and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race
  • Table P3 -- Voting age Population (Population 18 years and Over) by Race
  • Table P4 -- Voting age Population by Hispanic or Latino and Not Hispanic or Latino by Race
  • Table P5 -- Group Quarters Population by Major Group Quarters Type
  • Table H1 -- Occupancy Status

For an explanation of the Census 2020 summary file, you can access:

Technical Documentation (pdf)

List of Geographic and Columnar Headings (xlsx)

Total Population Counts (Tables P1 and P2) :​​​​

Population 18 Years and Over (Tables P3, P4, and H1) :

Group Quarters Population (Table P5) :

Download Census 2020 Geographies (zipped file formats):


 Content Editor


The data made available for download on this page is the Census 2020 Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171) as provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. This data has NOT yet been adjusted as directed by Md. Code Ann., State Gov't § 2-2A-01, by properly locating certain incarcerated individuals and therefore SHOULD NOT be used for redistricting purposes. Any redistricting submissions based on this unadjusted data may not meet the parameters of an acceptable district and could potentially be rejected by the Maryland Citizens Redistricting Commission.

Note: The adjusted data for redistricting purposes is available here.