
Census 2000 Summary File One Population and Housing Characteristics Six Profiles

(Release Date: July 3, 2001)

Population and Housing Characteristics Six Profiles :

General Profiles : Profile 1: Persons by Race, Age, and Sex; Households and Families by Race and by Type
Profile 2: Households and Families by Type; Household Relationship by Age
Profile 3: Housing Unit Tenure, Vacancy Type, Household Size, Householder Race and Age
Supplementary Profiles : Profile 1: Population Under 20; Group Quarters Summary; and Own Children
Profile 2: Household Characteristics: Size, Type, and Age of Household Members
Profile 3: Relationship by Age (Under 18) and Tenure by Household Type by Age

Please send your comments to Al Sundara about the profiles and the formats (PDF or Crystal Report) so we may be able to provide better services to you. Thanks!​