


Number Number Annual Receipts/ Per Capita
                               of        of    Payroll   Revenue   Receipts/
GEOGRAPHIC AREA    Establishments Employees   ($1,000)   ($1,000)  Revenue ($)
------------------ -------------- ---------  ---------  ---------  -----------
MARYLAND                   10,841   116,241  3,537,970  8,060,685     1,583

BALTIMORE REGION            5,192    63,797  1,872,635  4,246,203     1,743
  Anne Arundel County         864     8,875    264,217    598,289     1,273
  Baltimore County          2,003    25,262    764,707  1,700,377     2,361
  Carroll County              265     2,346     56,942    130,690       890
  Harford County              354     3,253     83,985    197,895       932
  Howard County               486     7,205    216,698    525,196     2,294
  Baltimore City            1,220    16,856    486,086  1,093,756     1,663

SUBURBAN WASHINGTON REGION  4,149    36,330  1,205,844  2,847,266     1,598
  Frederick County            315     3,258     96,035    203,168     1,110
  Montgomery County         2,438    19,961    701,709  1,704,287     2,057
  Prince George's County    1,396    13,111    408,100    939,811     1,221

SOUTHERN MARYLAND REGION      425     4,096    107,087    227,729       844
  Calvert County              108       971     29,747     59,811       863
  Charles County              209     1,836     46,566    101,781       883
  St. Mary's County           108     1,289     30,774     66,137       774

WESTERN MARYLAND REGION       437     4,790    153,069    328,013     1,430
  Allegany County             170     1,348     47,934     98,403     1,354
  Garrett County               42       436      9,662     21,598       734
  Washington County           225     3,006     95,473    208,012     1,634

UPPER EASTERN SHORE REGION    295     3,145     81,124    175,407       873
  Caroline County              22       154      2,419      6,463       219
  Cecil County                 97     1,047     27,750     59,054       732
  Kent County                  37       319      6,397     16,950       893
  Queen Anne's County          42       430      7,313     16,734       429
  Talbot County                97     1,195     37,245     76,206     2,328

LOWER EASTERN SHORE REGION    343     4,083    118,211    236,067     1,345
  Dorchester County            57       715     14,700     35,948     1,203
  Somerset County              19       251      5,866     12,961       531
  Wicomico County             200     2,520     86,595    159,921     2,022
  Worcester County             67       597     11,050     27,237       646

Source: 1997 Economic Census, U.S. Census Bureau.

* Excludes data for firms exempt from federal income tax.

Prepared by the Maryland Department of Planning, Planning Data Services​