Coastmont County Comprehensive Plan Overview

​The comprehensive plan vision statements applicable to the water resources element include the following:

a. Promote the minimization of impervious surfaces.

b. Focus growth within Priority Funding Areas and water and sewer planning areas.

c. Preserve open spaces of the rural areas through zoning that protects rural resources and economies and minimizes further rural development.

d. Promote agricultural preservation participation.

e. Reduce nonpoint source nutrient loading through stormwater and septic tank management.

f. Encourage concentrated growth in towns that provide focused central business areas that are mixed with residential living and maintain and enhance vibrant communities.

Coastmont County’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan projects a modest growth in population and housing based on the Maryland Department of Planning’s (MDP) population projections. The land use plan focuses development in and adjacent to the incorporated towns and the designated Growth Area surrounding the unincorporated community of Waverly. The county’s land use plan and municipal land use plans for the towns of Piedmont and Forestville are consistent with each other. Each town prepared a municipal growth element (MGE) that reviewed population and housing projections against the ability to provide adequate and safe sources of water supply and wastewater treatment. To decide upon appropriate land use plans, the county and towns used a growth model to conduct a series of analyses based on the tenets mentioned above, historical growth trends and natural resource limitations, and focused on the eight Visions of the State Planning Act of 1992.

The county recognizes that protection of source water recharge areas is of paramount importance when preparing a land use plan. The county identified these areas and worked closely with the two towns to help prepare the best growth plan possible. The town growth plans balance projected growth with open space preservation around major aquifer recharge areas and raise land use concerns for those areas inside and adjacent to wellhead protection areas.

Collaboratively, the county and towns have prepared water resources elements that will:

​“focus growth to areas best suited to use the existing and planned water and wastewater infrastructure that
will protect and preserve the natural environs, promote economic growth and support a diversity of living environments in 
Coastmont County.”​​