​​​​​Baltimore County East Side Revitalization Community-Wide Assessment Grant


This project has been funded wholly or in part by the United States Environmental Protection Agency under assistance agreement 96387501 to the Maryland Department of Planning. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the Environmental Protection Agency, nor does the EPA endorse trade names or recommend the use of commercial products mentioned in this document.


Help Us Identify Brownfields

​ ​The East Side Target Area Map shows the 52 census tracts that make up the grant priority area, which includes portions of Sparrows Point, Bowleys Quarters, Lower Back River Neck Peninsula, North Point/Edgemere, Essex, Middle River, Perry Hall/White Marsh, and Dundalk. The grant priority area was developed in collaboration with Baltimore County regarding the county’s priorities for redevelopment, including locally-designated growth areas, as well as other considerations such as co-location with Opportunity Zones and the sites’ known assessment and cleanup statuses. The map also shows several state and county incentive areas that are co-located with the 52 census tracts, where special financial incentive opportunities are available.

​Open the ​Baltimore County East Side - ​EPA Grant Project Area Mapping Application​ in full browser​​​​

Please view the East Side Target Area Map and consider supporting the project by identifying potential East Side brownfield locations you may have observed in your community with the Brownfields Scout form. A potential brownfield is “a property…which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant” (United States Environmental Protection Agency​). Examples of potential brownfields may include former gas stations, former autobody repair shops, dry cleaners, metal salvage facilities, industrial land uses, illegal dumping sites, etc. We will do our best to find additional information about potential brownfield properties submitted through the Brownfields Scout form; however, we cannot guarantee all identified properties will be eligible for a grant-funded environmental site assessment.


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MDE Cleanup Standards