2022 Water Resources Element Update

​Water Resources Element (WRE) ​Guidance Update: ​Overview


The WRE Guidance is in the process of being modernized, providing links to online maps and informational resources that are intended to better facilitate local land use and water resource planning efforts. Checklists are also provided to help local jurisdictions ensure that appropriate water resources and climate-related considerations are factored into the land use planning process. By adhering to these guidelines, local jurisdictions can avoid conflicts and inconsistencies with regulatory processes, permits and approvals that are required during later development and construction phases.

The more detailed Drinking Water Assessment and Wastewater Assessment guidelines of the 2007 WRE M&G will be updated in the future. Until that time, the Drinking Water Assessment and Wastewater Assessment guidelines of the 2007 W​R​E M&G​ should still be followed.

It is the goal of Planning, MDE and DNR to provide technical assistance as needed. Including a WRE in each comprehensive plan, and updating the WRE when needed (see checklist) serves as another crucial plank in the platform to reach Maryland's water quality protection and restoration goals. By considering the effects of climate change, and the existing and future land use impacts to water resources and flooding, Maryland can set the example for other states and jurisdictions in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and beyond.​