Maryland Planning Commissioners Association
MPCA 2016 Annual Conference
October 27-28, 2016 
Holiday Inn and Conference Center, Frederick
Frederick, Maryland
The conference theme was Putting Your Skills Into Motion!
Thursday, October 27
Planning Commissioners Education Course
This class satisfies the requirements of the Smart and Sustainable Growth Act of 2009 which requires planning commission and board of appeals members to complete a planning education course within 6 months of appointment.
Friday, October 28
Legalized Marijuana – Growth and Sales: Can Your Code Handle It?
Phil Hager – Director, Carroll County Department of Planning & Carroll County Legislative Liaison
An in depth and frank discussion of the challenges facing citizen planners integrating the growth and sales of medical marijuana from an official that has already dealt with this issue in Carroll County, including code changes, effects on your comprehensive plan and dealing with citizen’s concerns and objections.
Nuts and Bolts A: Ex Parte Communications and The Open Meetings Act – Don’t Get Caught In Violation
Sharon Kemper Suarez, AICP – Frederick County Planning Commissioner
Even your e‐mails can place you in jeopardy of violation. Find out what you need to know to be in compliance on both issues and the legal ramifications of being in violation. Understand the nuances of the Open Meetings Act and its effect on your communications with the public and other members of your own Commission or Board.
Free Help in Developing Your Comprehensive Plan from The APA
Patricia Haddon, AICP – Principal Planner, Calvert County and President, Maryland Chapter of the American Planning Association
Sometimes you can really get something for nothing! Learn how to apply for and get pro bono help from the National APA in developing your comprehensive plan. See how this unique opportunity can benefit jurisdictions with a smaller planning department.
Nuts and Bolts B: How to Make a Motion and The Steps of a Development Application
Robert McGrory – Former Town Manager, Brunswick, Maryland
Learn the best way to present this critical procedural element of every meeting and when a development application comes before you, learn the elements of the application and your responsibilities during the process.
The Future of Utilities and Their Effect On Your Planning and Code Decisions, A Panel Discussion
Robert Stewart - Manager, Smart Grid and Technology, PHI
Rebecca Rush – Managing Member, DERP Technologies, LLC
Harry Benson – or of Development, Everpower Wind Holdings
Solar and wind facilities are joining natural gas, coal and nuclear power in generating electricity in Maryland. Hear perspectives on the trends in energy and power generation and learn about how to prepare your codes and comprehensive plans to adapt to these changing conditions. What do you and your jurisdiction need to do to keep up?