Census 2000 Supplemental Survey

The Census 2000 Supplementary Survey was designed to demonstrate the feasibility of collecting long form-type information at the same time but separately from the decennial census. It used the American Community Survey questionnaire to collect demographic, social, economic, and housing data from a sample of 700,000 households nationwide.

Census 2000 Supplementary Survey Estimates for Maryland and The United States List of Table:
Table 1. Place of birth, citizenship, and year of entry XLS or PDF
Table 2. Language spoken at home by ability to speak english for the population 5 Years and over XLS or PDF
Table 3. Percent of population speaking a language other than English XLS or PDF
Table 4. Age by educational attainment for the population 18 years and over XLS or PDF
Table 5. Percent of population with a bachelor's degree or more XLS or PDF
Table 6. Household, family, and non-family income in the past 12 months XLS or PDF
Table 7. Medican household income XLS or PDF​
Table 8. Percent of people below poverty level XLS or PDF
Table 9. Median Value of Specified Owner-Occupied Housing Units XLS or PDF
Table 10. Mortgage status by selected monthly owner costs as a percentage of household income in the past 12 months XLS or PDF
Table 11. Means of transportation to work for workers 16 years and over XLS or PDF​