
​Census 2000 Sample Data Thematic Maps By County

Educational Attainment Foreign Born and Language Spoken at Home
Commuting to Work Income in 1999
In Labor Force Owner and Renter Housing Data
Poverty Status |
Educational Attainment :

Bachelors Degree or Higher

Less Than a High School Diploma

Place of Birth and Language Spoken at Home :

Foreign Born

Speak English Less Than Very Well

Commuting to Work :

Carpool to Work

Drive Alone to Work

Use Public Transportation

Travel Time to Work

Income in 1999 :

Median Household Income

Female to Male Median Earnings

In Labor Force :

Populations Ages 16+ in the Labor Force

Percent of Male Age 16+

Percent of Female Age 16+

Owner and Renter Housing Data :

Value of Owner Occupied Units

Monthly Owner Costs

Owner Costs Exceeds 35% of Income

Monthly Rent

Renters Costs Exceed 35%

Poverty Status :

Poverty Rate for Children under 18

Poverty Rate for the Elderly

Poverty Rate for All Individuals