
 First Census 2000 Results Resident Population and Apportionment Count

Release Date: March 19, 2001

Resident Population​

Resident Population of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico: Census 2000.

Apportionment Population

Apportionment Population and Number of Representatives, by States: Census 2000.

Overseas Population​

Overseas Population of the 50 States and the District of Columbia: Census 2000

State Rankings​

Resident Population of the 50 States and the District of Columbia: April 1, 2000 (Census 2000) and April 1, 1990 (1990 Census). Numeric and Percent Change 1990 to 2000. State Rank as of 2000.

Maps :

    1. Apportionment of the U.S. House of Representatives 108th Congress
    2. Change in Congressional Apportionment 1930-2000


For more information regarding the 2000 Census resident and Apportionment counts for the U.S. 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, go to the U.S. Census Bureau's web site at https://www.census.gov/​