2013-2017 Multi-Year ACS 5-year Estimates for All Geographies


The 2013-2017 5-year American Community Survey (ACS) estimates are available as a single formatted profile and a single file containing the raw data. The formatted profiles for each geography are combined into a single Adobe Acrobat file (social, economic, housing, and demographic profiles). The raw data for a geography has been combined into a single Excel file and is presented for download at the bottom of the page and is designated by the Excel icon. ().
Note: The 2013-2017 ACS Profiles for all geographies have been combined into one Adobe Acrobat file. The social, economic, housing, and demographic profiles are found in one file. This is a change from prior years where the individual profiles were downloadable as separate files.


Social, Economic, Housing, and Demographic Profiles by Geography

United States


Census Tracts

Raw Data by Geography 

United States​ ​
​Maryland ​
​Jurisdictions ​
​Places ​
​ZCTAs ​
​Congressional Districts ​
​Legislative Districts (Senate) ​
​Legislative Districts (House of Delegates) ​

Access the Census Bureau web site for more information on the American Community Survey.