
Reinvest Maryland Toolbox

More than 100 federal and state programs support infill, redevelopment and community revitalization in Maryland. MDP developed this toolbox to point you to the right programs.

Search options:

  1. Pick among seven categories, such as “downtown improvements”
  2. Further refine your search by selecting assistance types, such as “loan or grant”
  3. You can also search by keyword


    Downtown Improvements
    Public Amenities & Infrastructure
    Residential Programs
    Economic Development
    Historic Preservation
    Environmental Protection

    Assistance Types

    Fee Reduction
    Loan or Grant
    Other Financing Assistance
    Tax Incentive
    Regulatory Relief
    Technical Assistance

The results of your search will display in the table below.

Programs that meet your criteria

This table lists the programs that contain the categories and assistance types you selected. The list will build and change as you select and unselect filter items. To view further information about a program, click on the expand open icon symbol to expand the details. Each program will contain a hyperlink to the sponsoring agency's website.

Agency Program Description